Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Grammy Awards

The Grammy Awards will be handed out tonight. I don’t make predictions for these awards because I care too much. Instead, I just watch, root for my favorites, and boo the unworthy winners.

The thing that always confuses me is that a lot of the nominated stuff just seem so OLD. I mean, “Boulevard of Broken Dreams”!?!?! Wasn’t that song popular, like, 5 years ago? And I distinctly remember Maroon 5’s “This Love” being popular when I was still living in Michigan.

Anyway, here's a list of who I’ll be rooting for:

Record of the Year: “Gold Digger,” Kanye West
Album of the Year: L.A.M.B., Gwen Stefani
Best New Artist: Given the track record of those who have won this award, wouldn’t it be smarter to root for someone I don’t like?
Best Female Pop Vocal Performance: "Hollaback Girl," Gwen Stefani
Best Male Pop Vocal Performance: "Sitting, Waiting, Wishing," Jack Johnson
Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal: "My Doorbell," The White Stripes
Best Pop Vocal Album: Extraordinary Machine, Fiona Apple
Best Solo Rock Vocal Performance: "Revolution," Eric Clapton
Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal: "Speed of Sound," Coldplay
Best Hard Rock Performance: Really tough choice between "Doesn't Remind Me" by Audioslave and "B.Y.O.B." by System of a Down. I mean, I really like "B.Y.O.B", but I also enjoy Audioslave simply for the fact that probably bugs Brad.
Best Rock Song: "Beverly Hills," Rivers Cuomo
Best Rock Album: X&Y, Coldplay
Best Alternative Music Album: Get Behind Me Satan, The White Stripes

The problem is that the awards rarely go to the nominees I like. So I'm fully expecting Mariah to win every award she's nominated for.

In related news, I have lately discovered the joys of mashups - the musical genre that takes two or more songs and jumbles them together into a totally new song. And you can download them! For free! Some of them are funny!

For instance: This mashup combines the surf-song "Wipeout" with D4L's "Laffy Taffy." Maybe not the greatest musical triumph ever, but quite humorous nonetheless. Now if only I could find someone to turn my mashup fantasy into reality: "Get Back" by Ludacris with "Don't Stand so Close to Me" by the Police.

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